Here's some stats for Monsters vs. Aliens from 4/13/09 - 4/18/09:
sources: wiseflicks.com & flicktrends.com
Overall W-Score
4 stars out of 5
Reception & Perception
- Overall, critics liked the movie, with an average rating of about 70%
- Regular commentators on the web liked it about the same, with an average score of about 60%
- Those who voted online also gave it about a 70% rating.
- People thought it was entertaining, had good production quality, and strong character development, and provided an emotional response.
- People also thought the performances and the scenes were overall weak.
I give it an A-This data is only for the specified period. For current updates, follow me on twitter, check out wiseflicks, or check flicktrends.
I think Seth Rogans B.O.B. was the runaway scene stealer. I loved everything he did.
I saw it in 3-D and liked that there was indeed plenty to enjoy in 3-D and not just 4-6 scenes.
I think as a kids film it was probably weaker than other kids films but it was more structured for grown ups.
As you posted on my site, I think we are on the same page with this one.