Here's some stats for Battle for Terra from 4/24/09 - 4/30/09:
sources: wiseflicks.com & flicktrends.com
Overall W-Score
2 stars out of 5
Reception & Perception
- Overall, critics are positive, with an average rating of about 60%
- Regular commentators on the web liked it less, with an average score of about 35%
- Those who voted online really liked it, giving it about a 75% rating.
- People are expressing mild excitement for the entertainment and slight hope for the story.
- There are slightly negative feelings towards other aspects of the movie, including invoked emotions, production quality, and performances.
Terra takes a unique approach to the challenge of teaching ecological awareness to children. Avoiding the preachy tone of films such as Wall-E and the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still, Terra instead embeds its Green message inside an exciting shoot-em-up movie with eye-catching and impressive 3D effects.This data is only for the specified period. For current updates, follow me on twitter, check out wiseflicks, or check flicktrends.
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