Here's some stats for Departures from 4/24/09 - 4/30/09:
sources: wiseflicks.com & flicktrends.com
Overall W-Score
1 stars out of 5
Reception & Perception
- Overall, critics are positive, with an average rating of about 60%
- Regular commentators on the web liked it less, with an average score of about 45%
- Those who voted online really liked it, giving it about a 80% rating.
- Conversation levels for all attributes for this movie are low.
Went to watch movie "Departures" on Friday. This is a good movie and I like the story and the soundtracks. The casts are good too. No doubt it can win Oscar award for Best Foreign Language film.This data is only for the specified period. For current updates, follow me on twitter, check out wiseflicks, or check flicktrends.
It enable us to understand a little bit more on the Japanese ceremonies for the departed ones. The movie consists of laughter and tears. Second part of the movie contains more touching scenes and the whole theatre is so quiet as all audience are "absorbed" into the show.
Hope there will be more such good movies coming up. :)
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