sources: wiseflicks.com & flicktrends.com
Overall W-Score
4 stars out of 5
Reception & Perception
- Critics expect this movie to be great with an average rating of 85%
- So far, regular commentators on the web expect it to be below average with about a 35% rating
- Voters online also expect to to do be better than average with a rating of about 80%
- People expect all attributes to be average.
Wow! You'd almost think they're trying to 'sex it up' for the MTV generation.Critic Perspectives
But that would be silly to think such a thing, wouldn't it?
There are many satisfyingly sly flourishes in Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman's script.
Mary F. Pols - TIME Magazine
When it comes to sheer spectacle, Star Trek, as re-imagined by J.J. Abrams, delivers.
Claudia Puig - USA Today
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