Here's some stats for Drag Me to Hell from 5/12/09 - 5/18/09:
sources: wiseflicks.com & flicktrends.com
Overall W-Score
2 stars out of 5
Reception & Perception
- Overall, critics are positive, with an average rating of about 100%
- Regular commentators on the web liked it less, with an average score of about 40%
- Those who voted online really liked it, giving it about a 80% rating.
- The highest ranking attribute so far is the entertainment level expected from this movie.
Horror fans have no idea how big of a treat is coming their way in the form of Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell! Don't let the PG-13 rating cloud your judgment, folks; this flick is the real deal through-and-through and will likely end up being the best horror related time you'll have at the movies all year!Critic Perspectives
[The] brand-new self-described "spook-a-blast" is a nasty little bit of cyanide fun, a new Sam Raimi horror film, and it is an indecent amount of fun.
Moriarty - Ain't It Cool Movie Reviews
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