Here's some stats for Departures from 5/12/09 - 5/18/09:
sources: wiseflicks.com & flicktrends.com
Overall W-Score
1 stars out of 5
Reception & Perception
- Overall, critics are positive, with an average rating of about 65%
- Regular commentators on the web liked it less, with an average score of about 55%
- Those who voted online really liked it, giving it about a 80% rating.
- Conversation levels for all attributes for this movie are low.
Although death has always been a fascinated element in movies, it is not an easy task to handle it all over the screenplay. But with great efforts, the story is told in a clean and beautiful way to guarantee its success as a tear-jerker as well as a comedy. An unexpected win as the best foreign language movie in the 81st Oscars, along with many other awards, offers the movie its deserved credit.Critic's Perspective
Takita's eccentric film, a serio-comic look at life, death, redemption and forgiveness, is Japan's entry for the Oscars, winning audience awards in festivals, which speak well of its potential commercial appeal outside Japan and Asia.
Emanuel Levy - EmanuelLevy.com
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