sources: wiseflicks.com & flicktrends.com
Overall W-Score
1 stars out of 5
Reception & Perception
- Regular commentators on the web expect it to be good, with an average score of about 30%
- Those who voted online really expect it to be higher, giving it about a 80% rating.
- Levels of conversations for all attributes are low.
Hey, I just got back from an advance screening of this movie and all I can say is I have not laughed this hard in a while. The whole cast shines, mostly Zach Galifianakis who is fantastic. The laughs are a plenty, and they're spaced well enough that you don't miss any jokes. I'm not gonna give too much away, but check this movie out. The screening was packed and at the end of the movie there was a surprise appearance by Philly native Bradley Cooper who plays the lead in the movie, he did a short Q & A and was a truely great guy. Anyway, hope to see ya at the movies!
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